Mexico Mission Work

Our congregation has been blessed to be involved in mission work in the country of Mexico for approximately 45 years. Over this time, the Lord has blessed our efforts and increased our involvement so that today we either fully or partially support six missionaries and conduct two medical mission campaigns each year.

The missionaries and their families that we support are:

  • David Cardenas Tamez in Monterrey
  • Daniel Rodriquez Barrera in Frontera
  • Manuel (Julio) Urbina Escamilla in Escobedo
  • Humberto Bazaldura Molina in Saltillo
  • Cesar Galvan in Allende

  • The medical mission trips have become a very rewarding part of our efforts in several ways.

  • 1. Medical and dental care plus eyeglasses are made available free of charge to many who would not have the help otherwise.
  • 2. Contacts are made and doors opened for our missionaries to teach God's word.
  • 3. Personal involvement of members of our congregation in mission efforts from helping gather supplies to actually going on these trips.

  • Guatemala 2018 Mission Trip Photo's

    Guatemala 2017 Mission Trip Photo's

    Spanish Mission Work

    Our elders also have the responsibility of overseeing the work of Larry White's and Chase Turner efforts to spread the gospel to the Spanish speaking world through radio, tapes, internet and the written word. Brother White's efforts extend from the basics through teaching men to become preachers in their own countries. More can be read about this work at the Haile Church of Christ website.

    Other Mission Work

    Several of our members individually help support other missionary efforts throughout the world as they see the need.